A new year, and a clock moving too fast for us
Dates and calendars are love ’em and hate ’em kinds of things. In some ways, they are imaginary numbers and periods of time. How would our lives be different if we didn’t have them or believe in them? Maybe we would behave like every day was our last, or every day was our first.
Because our lives are temporary, we obsessively focus on time, goals, and tomorrows. We set ourselves up to realize accomplishments. We put ourselves in positions of failure. We forget that we are in control, not the calendar or the clock.
No matter how hard we try, time forces us to face realities. This all comes to mind as we begin new days, new weeks, new months, and now a new year.
“Time don’t wait no one,” a friend once told me, and neither do deadlines, life pressures, to-do lists.
We live by all sorts of sayings that make us want to live in the now. “Don’t wait for tomorrow what you can do today,” somebody noticeable once said. It’s a noble thought, and it makes me think if what we are doing today is something of importance. Something that really is of greater value than the top ten things on your to-do list.
When a new year begins, you begin to think of what you could have, should have, and would have done in the…