Appreciating different kinds of freedom, in different places

Abraham Villarreal
3 min readOct 30, 2021
Bright colors and comfort food at the Plaza Plan de Agua Prieta.

Every time I go to Mexico I feel a sense of freedom. It’s hard for me to put my finger on precisely what it is that gives me that feeling.

Maybe it’s the smell of food being cooked in front of you in almost every street corner. From tacos to roasted corns, someone is making something. When I go “across the line” to do some shopping or just to walk around, I almost always end up eating from a stand at the plaza or at a busy street intersection.

Restaurants are just not my thing. I like to get to know the man or woman whose daily life is very routine. He shops for what they need, he gets up early in the morning, he loads up his pushcart, and he sells until he just can’t sell anymore. Knowing all of this also makes the food taste better.

Maybe that sense of freedom comes from the people who are spending their leisure time not on phones or digital gadgets but just by sitting outside on a ledge with their feet dangling in the air. I see this all the time. People young and old like to hang out like we used to do, by just hanging out.

They often play music and sing along not caring how far their voices are heard. They say buenos dias or que tal to everyone that passes by. No one is a…



Abraham Villarreal

People are interesting. I write about them and what makes them interesting.