Female soccer team shows warrior spirit

Abraham Villarreal
3 min readDec 7, 2018


Santa Teresa High School Lady Warrior soccer team and District Champions.

I’m a guy, and it’s hard for me to admit that women are taking over the world. They are graduating at higher rates than men. They are being elected to office in increasingly larger numbers.

They are running businesses, excelling in sports, and running households. They are doing everything they weren’t allowed to do for most of human history, and it’s a good thing.

When I attended a banquet honoring the Santa Teresa High School Lady Warrior soccer team, I realized that the future would be female-led. The teenagers exemplified what is happening right with American women. They represented themselves with the strength and resolve that their team name implies.

Their parents raised them right. And even with a good upbringing, the odds remain against them. This is why they have to be warriors.

The banquet took place in an amazing place; the War Eagles Air Museum, dedicated to preserving and honoring military aviation through history. Larger than life aircrafts filled the vast space. Classic cars lined up in all their metallic beauty. History came to life, and the young Lady Warriors were there to learn of the achievements of lady warriors from past generations.

There is something special about celebrating youth. With all their innocence and courage, teenagers have it tough in many ways. They are exposed to a world filled with hatred and unrealistic standards. They fall prey to wanting to be many things they are not.

Being a kid isn’t as easy as it used to be. In New Mexico, child hunger is at alarmingly high levels. High school graduates come from broken homes with little resources or mentors.

The odds are against them, but these gals are lady warriors. As they walked in, their dresses were as colorful as their smiles. They were about to be honored for being district champions at the end of a season that brought them other individual accolades because of their incredible efforts.

I sat with parents who shared with me how proud they were of their young lady warriors. They had a hundred and one questions about college and seemed a little nervous about sending their soon-to-be graduate off to a new world.

To me, the ladies seemed confident and ready. Being on a soccer team can teach you many great virtues. Teamwork, mental toughness, and discipline — all the characteristics we are used to saying about men.

The War Eagles Air Museum has 22 aircraft that mirror the Lady Warrior soccer team. They are in flying condition. They come in different shapes and wingspans. As they soar past us, they look elegant and full of class.

We like to complain and look down in disdain at today’s generation. We say that they are lazy and entitled, a far cry from the Greatest Generation. What I see is hope, creativity, innovation, and a sense of belonging in the world. Today’s youth are solving problems and giving back to communities. They are wild and crazy, and at the same time, they are passionate and caring.

I like the Santa Teresa Lady Warriors, and I can’t wait to see them in full flight, soaring above us, and heading off into a future where no challenge is too big and no idea too small.



Abraham Villarreal

People are interesting. I write about them and what makes them interesting.