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Finding new things to focus on in the new year
In 2024, I hope we advance enough as a society to fix age-old problems affecting us all. Like the spit guards over salad bars. Those things never work for me.
I’m into health and wellness and all those things that make us feel like we are safeguarding each other, but spit guards are awkward. I can never reach the food in the back and those are the items I usually always want. The avocadoes are always back there.
The new year will hopefully bring a fix to office HVAC systems. Here we are, about to officially begin winter, and the air is blowing directly over my office desk. Company leaders, or ingenious HVAC operators, try to fool us all by installing a little white box in each office. It has a small side lever you can move up to the heat or move down to the cold, but it never works. Someone else is in control.
I’m expecting that in 2024, there will be a change to how we check out at supermarkets. I’m expecting it, but I’m not sure it will happen. When I go to the little meat market on the main avenue, there’s always a nice lady who weighs the meat, and bags everything for me. That’s what I need in my life. Someone who bags everything for me.
And then there’s credit card machines. At the gas station mini-mart, the guy always tells me to try the chip reader twice before I scan it. He knows…