Getting together in a time of healing
Every time I think of a classic movie, I think of families at the dinner table. Mom walks in from the kitchen and dad arrives from work. It is a common scene in those black and white movies where families always include two or three kids and a dog.
This scene is familiar to many movies of the 1940s and 50s. Its familiar because it used to happen all the time in real life. Today, getting together for a family dinner seems to only happen for special occasions like family reunions or big birthday celebrations.
Family dinner time is not routine anymore, it’s something saved for special occasions. And now, across the country and the globe, we are living in a scary but special occasion. We don’t know how long it will last and in in some ways we don’t know how to behave.
At first, we felt like shrugging it off as something far away. We are Americans and can overcome anything. But then, it came a little closer and we became a little more nervous. The kinds of things we like to do are now forbidden, at least for a while.
So, we feel frustrated. The government is trying to keep us safe, and we feel like we already know how to stay safe. In…