Seeing the world through someone else’s eyes

Abraham Villarreal
3 min readAug 10, 2019
Children arriving at Ellis Island.

I heard a saying the other day. It went something like: See the world through the eyes of the person you are talking to.

It made me pause for a moment. I felt a little convicted thinking of how often I speak to someone thinking of what I want them to hear while ignoring what they are telling me and why it matters to them.

On the first day of school for kids in Mississippi this week, what would typically be a day of happiness and new beginnings, turned into a nightmare. Dozens of infants and toddlers returned home to missing parents. A massive raid conducted by the U.S. Government left kids without parents. How do you tell a child that their parents had broken the rules, and they deserved to be taken away?

Somehow it all doesn’t make sense. Rules are rules, and the consequences are real. And when you live in a society where the rule of law is essential, it doesn’t matter how many kids will cry themselves to sleep at night because for their lettuce-picking parents it was time to go “home.”

For some, there is no balance between a society that follows the law and one that does it compassionately. We want affordable and fresh-tasting vegetables; we just won’t tolerate the means that…



Abraham Villarreal

People are interesting. I write about them and what makes them interesting.