Starting over is an everyday thing

Abraham Villarreal
3 min readOct 13, 2017

When big, dramatic, events hit you — the kind that are life changing — sometimes it feels like you have to start all over again.

Those really big kinds of events like a career change, or a death in the family. They can mess you up, but only if you let them.

Every morning I listen to the local radio station. Turning on the radio is part of my daily routine. Wake up. Hit the on button. Brush my teeth. Even though it seems commonplace, every day is a new beginning. Life is starting over again.

Sure, dramatic stories make for tear-jerking moments. Those videos we see on social media always get to us. The military dad coming home. The colorblind guy that put on those new glasses, and opened up his eyes to color for the first time in his life. The mom that realized her daughter was depressed through a Facebook post, except it was too late.

Life can be pretty tough, and it’s tougher when you wait to play defense.

Waking up each morning to the realization that the next 24 hours are a clean slate is a wonderful feeling. The flowers, the sun, and our animal friends already know it.

Your dog and cat carry no baggage. Bygones are bygones. They live for the moment and don’t worry about what tomorrow brings.



Abraham Villarreal

People are interesting. I write about them and what makes them interesting.